Report of Project

In the first wave of data collection in the project “Supporting inclusive learning environments – strategies to support students with children and families in higher education” – 2023-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000156058-, focus group interviews were completed. Around 50 students with families from four higher education institutions in four countries reported on the difficulties they had experienced during their studies and gave suggestions on how to help them to progress. The interviews revealed that the research theme reveals a relevant problem: institutions can alleviate the difficulties of students with families by not only making major changes but also by finding solutions that are actually resource-free.

During focus group interviews with students, we reviewed the period from the start of the course to the end of the exam period to get a clear picture of the specific difficulties of reconciling child-rearing and academic challenges at which point in the semester. The focus group interviews are scheduled to be processed in September according to the research schedule.

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